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HyperLink Control

Browsing HyperLinkCtl.ctl (37.31 KB)

Begin VB.UserControl HyperLinkCtl 
   ClientHeight    =   480
   ClientLeft      =   0
   ClientTop       =   0
   ClientWidth     =   2310
   KeyPreview      =   -1  'True
   ScaleHeight     =   480
   ScaleWidth      =   2310
   ToolboxBitmap   =   "HyperLinkCtl.ctx":0000
   Begin VB.Label DummyLabel 
      BackStyle       =   0  'Transparent
      Height          =   315
      Left            =   0
      TabIndex        =   0
      Top             =   0
      Visible         =   0   'False
      Width           =   765
Attribute VB_Name = "HyperLinkCtl"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = True
Option Explicit

Public Enum HLCTLAlign
    aLeft = 0
    aCenter = 1
    aRight = 2
End Enum

Private m_Align As HLCTLAlign

Public Enum HLCTLBorderStyle
    bdrNone = 0
    bdrFlat = 1
    bdrSunken = 2
End Enum

Private m_BorderStyle As HLCTLBorderStyle

Public Enum HLCTLClickStyle
    clkDefault = 0
    clkBoth = 1
End Enum

Private m_ClickStyle As HLCTLClickStyle

Public Enum HLCTLCursorType
    curDefault = 0
    curHand = 1
End Enum

Private m_CursorType As HLCTLCursorType

Private m_Caption As String
Private m_BackColor As Long
Private m_ClickColor As Long
Private m_oClickColor As OLE_COLOR

Public Enum HLCTLEnabledType
    eblDefault = 0
    eblOther = 1
End Enum

Private m_EnabledType As HLCTLEnabledType

Private m_ForeColor As Long
Private m_HoverColor As Long
Private m_oHoverColor As OLE_COLOR
Private m_HasHoverEffect As Boolean
Private m_bIsHovering As Boolean

Private m_ShowFocus As Boolean
Private m_SingleLine As Boolean
Private m_WordBreak As Boolean

Public Enum HLCTLStyle
    styControlDrawn = 0
    styOwnerDrawn = 1
End Enum

Private m_drawStyle As HLCTLStyle

Public Enum HLCTLEllipsis
    elpNone = 0
    elpEnd = 1
    elpWord = 2
    elpPath = 3
End Enum

Private m_EllipsisStyle As HLCTLEllipsis

Public Enum HLCTLVerticalAlign
    vaTop = 0
    vaCenter = 1
    vaBottom = 2
End Enum

Private m_VAlign As HLCTLVerticalAlign

Private m_hWnd As Long
Private m_hWndparent As Long
Private m_hBackBrush As Long

Private m_bControlHasFocus As Boolean
Private m_bIsWin98OrLater As Boolean

Implements ISubclass
Private m_bSubClass As Boolean

Private m_bFontNotCreated As Boolean

Private m_hFnt As Long
Private m_hFntOld As Long
Private m_tlF As LOGFONT
Private m_hUFnt As Long
Private m_tULF As LOGFONT

Private m_IPAOHookStruct As IPAOHookStruct

Public Event BeforeClick()
Attribute BeforeClick.VB_Description = "Raised when a user clicks on the control (mouse down)."
Public Event Click()
Attribute Click.VB_Description = "Raised when a user clicks on the control (mouse up)."
Public Event DblClick()
Attribute DblClick.VB_Description = "Raised when the control is double clicked."
Public Event KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
Attribute KeyDown.VB_Description = "Raised when a Key is first pressed down for an item in the control."
Public Event KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
Attribute KeyUp.VB_Description = "Raised when a key is released in the control."
Public Event KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
Attribute KeyPress.VB_Description = "Raised when a Key is Pressed in the control."
Public Event MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
Attribute MouseDown.VB_Description = "Raised when the user clicks on the control."
Public Event MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
Attribute MouseMove.VB_Description = "Raised when the user moves the mouse over the control."
Public Event MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
Attribute MouseUp.VB_Description = "Raised when the user releases the mouse over the control."
Public Event MouseEnter()
Attribute MouseEnter.VB_Description = "Raised when the user moves the mouse on the control."
Public Event MouseLeave()
Attribute MouseLeave.VB_Description = "Raised when the user moves the mouse off of the control."
Public Event DrawControl(hDC As Long, bEnabled As Boolean, LeftPixels As Long, TopPixels As Long, RightPixels As Long, BottomPixels As Long, hFntOld As Long)
Attribute DrawControl.VB_Description = "Raised when the control needs drawing if the DrawStyle is set to styOwnerDrawn."

Public Sub Refresh()
Attribute Refresh.VB_Description = "Refreshes the control."
End Sub

Friend Function TranslateAccelerator(lpMsg As VBOleGuids.MSG) As Long
   TranslateAccelerator = S_FALSE
   ' Here you can modify the response to the key down
   ' accelerator command using the values in lpMsg.  This
   ' can be used to capture Tabs, Returns, Arrows etc.
   ' Just process the message as required and return S_OK.
   If lpMsg.message = WM_KEYDOWN Then
      Select Case lpMsg.wParam And &HFFFF&
      Case vbKeyUp, vbKeyDown, vbKeyLeft, vbKeyRight, vbKeyPageDown, vbKeyPageUp, vbKeyHome, vbKeyEnd, vbKeyReturn
         SendMessageByLong m_hWnd, lpMsg.message, lpMsg.wParam, lpMsg.lParam
         TranslateAccelerator = S_OK
      End Select
   End If
End Function

Private Sub pResize(ByVal lWidth As Long, ByVal lHeight As Long)
   If (m_hWnd <> 0) Then MoveWindow m_hWnd, 0, 0, lWidth, lHeight, 1
End Sub

Private Sub pSubClass(ByVal bRealControl As Boolean)
   If Not (bRealControl) Then
      AttachMessage Me, UserControl.hWnd, WM_SIZE
      AttachMessage Me, UserControl.hWnd, WM_COMMAND
      AttachMessage Me, UserControl.hWnd, WM_DRAWITEM
      AttachMessage Me, UserControl.hWnd, WM_SETFOCUS
      AttachMessage Me, UserControl.hWnd, WM_GETFONT
      AttachMessage Me, UserControl.hWnd, WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC
      If (m_hWnd <> 0) Then
        AttachMessage Me, m_hWnd, WM_KEYDOWN
        AttachMessage Me, m_hWnd, WM_KEYUP
        AttachMessage Me, m_hWnd, WM_CHAR
        AttachMessage Me, m_hWnd, WM_SETFOCUS
        AttachMessage Me, m_hWnd, WM_MOUSEACTIVATE
        AttachMessage Me, m_hWnd, WM_LBUTTONDOWN
        AttachMessage Me, m_hWnd, WM_MBUTTONDOWN
        AttachMessage Me, m_hWnd, WM_RBUTTONDOWN
        AttachMessage Me, m_hWnd, WM_MOUSEMOVE
        AttachMessage Me, m_hWnd, WM_MOUSELEAVE
        AttachMessage Me, m_hWnd, WM_LBUTTONUP
        AttachMessage Me, m_hWnd, WM_MBUTTONUP
        AttachMessage Me, m_hWnd, WM_RBUTTONUP
        AttachMessage Me, m_hWnd, WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK
        AttachMessage Me, m_hWnd, WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK
        AttachMessage Me, m_hWnd, WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK
      End If
      m_bSubClass = True
   End If
End Sub

Private Sub pTerminate()
    ' Clear up subclassing messages:
    If (m_bSubClass) Then
        DetachMessage Me, m_hWndparent, WM_SIZE
        DetachMessage Me, m_hWndparent, WM_COMMAND
        DetachMessage Me, m_hWndparent, WM_DRAWITEM
        DetachMessage Me, m_hWndparent, WM_SETFOCUS
        DetachMessage Me, m_hWndparent, WM_GETFONT
        DetachMessage Me, m_hWndparent, WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC
        DetachMessage Me, m_hWnd, WM_KEYDOWN
        DetachMessage Me, m_hWnd, WM_KEYUP
        DetachMessage Me, m_hWnd, WM_CHAR
        DetachMessage Me, m_hWnd, WM_SETFOCUS
        DetachMessage Me, m_hWnd, WM_MOUSEACTIVATE
        DetachMessage Me, m_hWnd, WM_LBUTTONDOWN
        DetachMessage Me, m_hWnd, WM_MBUTTONDOWN
        DetachMessage Me, m_hWnd, WM_RBUTTONDOWN
        DetachMessage Me, m_hWnd, WM_MOUSEMOVE
        DetachMessage Me, m_hWnd, WM_MOUSELEAVE
        DetachMessage Me, m_hWnd, WM_LBUTTONUP
        DetachMessage Me, m_hWnd, WM_MBUTTONUP
        DetachMessage Me, m_hWnd, WM_RBUTTONUP
        DetachMessage Me, m_hWnd, WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK
        DetachMessage Me, m_hWnd, WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK
        DetachMessage Me, m_hWnd, WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK
    End If
    If (m_hFnt <> 0) Then
        DeleteObject m_hFnt
        m_bFontNotCreated = True
    End If

    ' Remove control font if we have one:
    If (m_hUFnt <> 0) Then
        DeleteObject m_hUFnt
    End If
    If (m_hBackBrush <> 0) Then
        DeleteObject m_hBackBrush
    End If

End Sub

Private Function plKeyEvent(ByVal lhWNd As Long, ByVal iMsg As Integer, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
Dim iKeyCode As Integer
Dim iKeyAscii As Integer
Dim iOrigKeyAscii As Integer
Dim iShift As Integer

    iKeyCode = (wParam And &HFF)
    ' Alt key pressed = Bit 29
    If ((lParam And &H20000000) = &H20000000) Then
        iShift = 1
    End If
    Select Case iMsg
        iShift = giGetShiftState()
        RaiseEvent KeyDown(iKeyCode, iShift)
    Case WM_KEYUP
        iShift = giGetShiftState()
        RaiseEvent KeyUp(iKeyCode, iShift)
    Case WM_CHAR
        iKeyAscii = (wParam And &HFF)
        iOrigKeyAscii = iKeyAscii
        RaiseEvent KeyPress(iKeyAscii)
        If (iKeyAscii = 0) Then
            plKeyEvent = 1
        ElseIf (iKeyAscii <> iOrigKeyAscii) Then
            SendMessageByLong lhWNd, WM_CHAR, iKeyAscii, 0
            plKeyEvent = 1
        End If
    End Select

End Function

Private Function plDrawControl(ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
Dim bEnabled As Boolean

    CopyMemory tDis, ByVal lParam, Len(tDis)
    bEnabled = Not ((tDis.ItemState And ODS_DISABLED) = ODS_DISABLED)
    If m_EnabledType = eblOther Then bEnabled = Enabled

    ' Ensure we have the correct font and colors selected:
    If (m_bFontNotCreated) Then
        pOLEFontToLogFont UserControl.Font, UserControl.hDC, m_tlF
        m_hFnt = CreateFontIndirect(m_tlF)
        m_bFontNotCreated = False
    End If
    m_hFntOld = SelectObject(tDis.hDC, m_hFnt)

    If m_drawStyle = styControlDrawn Then
        ' Draw by default mechanism:
        pDefaultDrawControl tDis.hDC, bEnabled, _
            tDis.rcItem.Left, tDis.rcItem.Top, tDis.rcItem.Right, tDis.rcItem.Bottom
    ElseIf m_drawStyle = styOwnerDrawn Then
        ' Notify the client its time to draw:
        RaiseEvent DrawControl(tDis.hDC, bEnabled, _
                            tDis.rcItem.Left, tDis.rcItem.Top, tDis.rcItem.Right, tDis.rcItem.Bottom, _
    End If
    SelectObject tDis.hDC, m_hFntOld
    plDrawControl = 1
End Function

Private Sub pDefaultDrawControl( _
        hDC As Long, _
        bEnabled As Boolean, _
        ByVal Left As Long, ByVal Top As Long, ByVal Right As Long, ByVal Bottom As Long _
Dim DrawTextStyle As Long
Dim DrawRect As RECT
Dim DrawRect2 As RECT
Dim TextExtent As SIZEAPI

    GetClientRect m_hWnd, DrawRect
    If m_BorderStyle = bdrFlat Then
        FillRect hDC, DrawRect, GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_WINDOWFRAME)
        DrawRect.Left = 1
        DrawRect.Top = 1
        DrawRect.Right = DrawRect.Right - 1
        DrawRect.Bottom = DrawRect.Bottom - 1
        FillRect hDC, DrawRect, m_hBackBrush
        GetClientRect m_hWnd, DrawRect
        FillRect hDC, DrawRect, m_hBackBrush
    End If
    If m_Caption = "" Then Exit Sub
    If m_EllipsisStyle = elpNone Then
        DrawTextStyle = 0
    ElseIf m_EllipsisStyle = elpEnd Then
        DrawTextStyle = DT_END_ELLIPSIS
    ElseIf m_EllipsisStyle = elpPath Then
        DrawTextStyle = DT_PATH_ELLIPSIS
    ElseIf m_EllipsisStyle = elpWord Then
        DrawTextStyle = DT_WORD_ELLIPSIS
    End If
    If m_Align = aLeft Then
        DrawTextStyle = DrawTextStyle Or DT_LEFT
    ElseIf m_Align = aCenter Then
        DrawTextStyle = DrawTextStyle Or DT_CENTER
    ElseIf m_Align = aRight Then
        DrawTextStyle = DrawTextStyle Or DT_RIGHT
    End If
    If m_SingleLine = True Then DrawTextStyle = DrawTextStyle Or DT_SINGLELINE
    If m_VAlign = vaTop Then
        DrawTextStyle = DrawTextStyle Or DT_TOP
    ElseIf m_VAlign = vaCenter Then
        DrawTextStyle = DrawTextStyle Or DT_VCENTER
    ElseIf m_VAlign = vaBottom Then
        DrawTextStyle = DrawTextStyle Or DT_BOTTOM
    End If
    If m_WordBreak = True Then DrawTextStyle = DrawTextStyle Or DT_WORDBREAK
    If ((m_ClickStyle = clkDefault And (gbKeyIsPressed(KEY_MOUSE1) = True Or (gbKeyIsPressed(KEY_MOUSE2) = True And IsMouseSwapped() = True))) Or _
    (m_ClickStyle = clkBoth And (gbKeyIsPressed(KEY_MOUSE1) = True Or gbKeyIsPressed(KEY_MOUSE2) = True))) And m_bIsHovering = True Then
        SetTextColor hDC, m_ClickColor
    ElseIf m_bIsHovering = True And m_HasHoverEffect = True Then
        SetTextColor hDC, m_HoverColor
        SetTextColor hDC, m_ForeColor
    End If
    DrawRect.Left = 2
    DrawRect.Top = 2
    DrawRect.Right = DrawRect.Right - 2
    DrawRect.Bottom = DrawRect.Bottom - 2
    If bEnabled = True Then DrawText hDC, m_Caption, Len(m_Caption), DrawRect, DrawTextStyle
    If m_WordBreak = True Then
        DrawText hDC, m_Caption, Len(m_Caption), DrawRect, DrawTextStyle Or DT_CALCRECT
        GetTextExtentPoint32 hDC, m_Caption, Len(m_Caption), TextExtent
        DrawRect.Right = + 4
        DrawRect.Bottom = + 2
    End If
    If m_Align = aLeft Then
        DrawRect.Left = 1
    ElseIf m_Align = aCenter Then
        DrawRect.Left = ((UserControl.ScaleWidth \ Screen.TwipsPerPixelX + 1) - DrawRect.Right) / 2
        DrawRect.Right = DrawRect.Right + DrawRect.Left
    ElseIf m_Align = aRight Then
        DrawRect.Left = (UserControl.ScaleWidth \ Screen.TwipsPerPixelX - 1) - DrawRect.Right
        DrawRect.Right = DrawRect.Right + DrawRect.Left
    End If
    If m_SingleLine = True Then
        If m_VAlign = vaTop Then
            DrawRect.Top = 1
        ElseIf m_VAlign = vaCenter Then
            DrawRect.Top = ((UserControl.ScaleHeight \ Screen.TwipsPerPixelY + 1) - DrawRect.Bottom) / 2
            DrawRect.Bottom = DrawRect.Bottom + DrawRect.Top
        ElseIf m_VAlign = vaBottom Then
            DrawRect.Top = (UserControl.ScaleHeight \ Screen.TwipsPerPixelY - 1) - DrawRect.Bottom
            DrawRect.Bottom = DrawRect.Bottom + DrawRect.Top
        End If
    End If
    If bEnabled = False Then
        DrawRect.Right = DrawRect.Right + 1
        DrawRect.Bottom = DrawRect.Bottom + 1
        DrawState hDC, 0, 0, m_Caption, Len(m_Caption), DrawRect.Left, DrawRect.Top, DrawRect.Right - DrawRect.Left, DrawRect.Bottom - DrawRect.Top, DST_TEXT Or DSS_DISABLED
    End If
    If m_bControlHasFocus = True And m_ShowFocus = True Then
        GetClientRect m_hWnd, DrawRect2
        If DrawRect.Right > DrawRect2.Right - 1 Then DrawRect.Right = DrawRect2.Right - 1
        If DrawRect.Bottom > DrawRect2.Bottom - 1 Then DrawRect.Bottom = DrawRect2.Bottom - 1
        SetTextColor hDC, m_ForeColor
        DrawFocusRect hDC, DrawRect
    End If

End Sub

Property Get Enabled() As Boolean
Attribute Enabled.VB_Description = "Gets/sets whether the control is enabled."
   Enabled = UserControl.Enabled
End Property

Property Get EllipsisStyle() As HLCTLEllipsis
Attribute EllipsisStyle.VB_Description = "Gets/sets the style for which an ellipsis is drawn."
   EllipsisStyle = m_EllipsisStyle
End Property

Property Let Enabled(bEnabled As Boolean)
Dim lEnable As Long
   If (UserControl.Enabled <> bEnabled) Then
      UserControl.Enabled = bEnabled
      lEnable = Abs(bEnabled)
      EnableWindow UserControl.hWnd, lEnable
      EnableWindow m_hWnd, lEnable
      PropertyChanged "Enabled"
   End If
End Property

Property Get Font() As StdFont
Attribute Font.VB_Description = "Gets/sets the default font for the control."
   Set Font = UserControl.Font
End Property

Property Get hWnd() As Long
Attribute hWnd.VB_Description = "Gets the hWnd of the static control.  If you want the hWnd of the control itself, use hWndControl."
   hWnd = m_hWnd
End Property

Property Get hWndControl() As Long
Attribute hWndControl.VB_Description = "Returns the window handle of the control itself (which is the parent of the static control)."
   hWndControl = UserControl.hWnd
End Property

Property Set Font(fntThis As StdFont)
Dim hUFnt As Long
Dim iMsg As Long
    Set UserControl.Font = fntThis
    pOLEFontToLogFont fntThis, UserControl.hDC, m_tULF
    hUFnt = m_hUFnt
    m_hUFnt = CreateFontIndirect(m_tULF)
    If (m_hWnd <> 0) Then
       SendMessageByLong m_hWnd, WM_SETFONT, m_hUFnt, 1
    End If
    If (hUFnt <> 0) Then
       DeleteObject hUFnt
    End If
    DeleteObject m_hFnt
    m_bFontNotCreated = True
    PropertyChanged "Font"
End Property

Property Get BackColor() As OLE_COLOR
Attribute BackColor.VB_Description = "Gets/sets the back color of the control."
   BackColor = UserControl.BackColor
End Property

Property Get BorderStyle() As HLCTLBorderStyle
Attribute BorderStyle.VB_Description = "Gets/sets the border style of the control."
   BorderStyle = m_BorderStyle
End Property

Property Get ClickStyle() As HLCTLClickStyle
Attribute ClickStyle.VB_Description = "Gets/sets the style for which the click color is displayed."
   ClickStyle = m_ClickStyle
End Property

Property Get EnabledType() As HLCTLEnabledType
Attribute EnabledType.VB_Description = "Set this to eblOther for it to work with Windows XP themes."
   EnabledType = m_EnabledType
End Property

Property Get Caption() As String
Attribute Caption.VB_Description = "Gets/sets the caption that is displayed on the control."
   Caption = m_Caption
End Property

Property Get DrawStyle() As HLCTLStyle
Attribute DrawStyle.VB_Description = "Gets/sets the way that the control is drawn."
   DrawStyle = m_drawStyle
End Property

Property Get SingleLine() As Boolean
Attribute SingleLine.VB_Description = "Gets/sets whether the caption is displayed in a single line."
   SingleLine = m_SingleLine
End Property

Property Get ShowFocus() As Boolean
Attribute ShowFocus.VB_Description = "Gets/sets whether a focus rectangle is drawn around the caption."
   ShowFocus = m_ShowFocus
End Property

Property Get VAlign() As HLCTLVerticalAlign
Attribute VAlign.VB_Description = "Gets/sets the vertical alignment of the caption.  Styles vaCenter and vaBottom require that SingleLine be true."
   VAlign = m_VAlign
End Property

Property Get Align() As HLCTLAlign
Attribute Align.VB_Description = "Gets/sets the alignment of the caption."
   Align = m_Align
End Property

Property Get CursorType() As HLCTLCursorType
Attribute CursorType.VB_Description = "Gets/sets the cursor type that is displayed when the user moves the mouse over the control."
   CursorType = m_CursorType
End Property

Property Get WordBreak() As Boolean
Attribute WordBreak.VB_Description = "Gets/sets whether the caption is broken into lines to display the full caption.  Opposite of SingleLine."
   WordBreak = m_WordBreak
End Property

Property Get HasHoverEffect() As Boolean
Attribute HasHoverEffect.VB_Description = "Gets/sets whether the HoverColor is displayed when the mouse is over the control."
   HasHoverEffect = m_HasHoverEffect
End Property

Property Get ForeColor() As OLE_COLOR
Attribute ForeColor.VB_Description = "Gets/sets the default fore color of the control."
   ForeColor = UserControl.ForeColor
End Property

Property Get HoverColor() As OLE_COLOR
Attribute HoverColor.VB_Description = "Gets/sets the color that is displayed when the mouse is over the control."
   HoverColor = m_oHoverColor
End Property

Property Get ClickColor() As OLE_COLOR
Attribute ClickColor.VB_Description = "Gets/sets the color that is displayed when the user clicks on the control."
   ClickColor = m_oClickColor
End Property

Property Let BackColor(ByVal oBackColor As OLE_COLOR)
Dim tR As RECT
    If (UserControl.BackColor <> oBackColor) Then
        UserControl.BackColor = oBackColor
        m_BackColor = gTranslateColor(oBackColor)
        If (m_hBackBrush <> 0) Then
            DeleteObject m_hBackBrush
        End If
        m_hBackBrush = CreateSolidBrush(gTranslateColor(oBackColor))
        GetClientRect UserControl.hWnd, tR
        FillRect UserControl.hDC, tR, m_hBackBrush
        PropertyChanged "BackColor"
    End If
End Property

Property Let Caption(ByVal sCaption As String)
    If (m_Caption <> sCaption) Then
        m_Caption = sCaption
        SendMessageByString m_hWnd, WM_SETTEXT, 0&, sCaption
        DummyLabel.Caption = sCaption
        PropertyChanged "Caption"
    End If
End Property

Property Let ForeColor(ByVal oForeColor As OLE_COLOR)
    If (UserControl.ForeColor <> oForeColor) Then
        UserControl.ForeColor = oForeColor
        m_ForeColor = gTranslateColor(oForeColor)
        PropertyChanged "ForeColor"
    End If
End Property

Private Sub pInitialize()
Dim hInst As Long
Dim sStyle As String
Dim wStyle As Long
Dim lW As Long, lH As Long
    hInst = App.hInstance
    sStyle = "STATIC"
    If UserControl.Ambient.UserMode = True Then wStyle = wStyle Or SS_OWNERDRAW Or SS_NOTIFY
    If m_BorderStyle = bdrSunken Then wStyle = wStyle Or SS_SUNKEN
    lW = UserControl.Width \ Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
    lH = UserControl.Height \ Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
    m_hWnd = CreateWindowEx( _
        0, _
        sStyle, _
        m_Caption, _
        wStyle, _
        0, 0, lW, lH, _
        m_hWndparent, _
        0, _
        hInst, _
        ByVal 0 _
    If (m_hWnd <> 0) Then
        Set Font = UserControl.Font
        ShowWindow m_hWnd, SW_SHOW
    End If
End Sub

Private Function plNotificationEvent(ByVal iMsg As Integer, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
Dim lHiWord As Long, lLoWord As Long

   gGetHiWordLoWord wParam, lHiWord, lLoWord
   Select Case lHiWord
      RaiseEvent BeforeClick
      RaiseEvent DblClick
   End Select

End Function

Private Sub pDestroyStatic()
    If (m_hWnd <> 0) Then
        ShowWindow m_hWnd, SW_HIDE
        SetParent m_hWnd, 0
        DestroyWindow m_hWnd
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub pOLEFontToLogFont(fntThis As StdFont, hDC As Long, tLF As LOGFONT)
Dim sFont As String
Dim iChar As Integer
    With tLF
        sFont = fntThis.Name
        For iChar = 1 To Len(sFont)
            .lfFaceName(iChar - 1) = CByte(Asc(Mid$(sFont, iChar, 1)))
        Next iChar
        .lfHeight = -MulDiv((fntThis.Size), (GetDeviceCaps(hDC, LOGPIXELSY)), 72)
        .lfItalic = fntThis.Italic
        If (fntThis.Bold) Then
            .lfWeight = FW_BOLD
            .lfWeight = FW_NORMAL
        End If
        .lfUnderline = fntThis.Underline
        .lfStrikeOut = fntThis.Strikethrough
        .lfCharSet = fntThis.Charset
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub pRefreshControl()
Dim tR As RECT
    ' Invalidate the control so it gets redrawn:
    If (m_hWnd <> 0) Then
        tR.Right = UserControl.ScaleWidth \ Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
        tR.Bottom = UserControl.ScaleHeight \ Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
        InvalidateRect m_hWnd, tR, 1
    End If
End Sub

Property Let HoverColor(ByVal oHoverColor As OLE_COLOR)
    If (m_oHoverColor <> oHoverColor) Then
        m_oHoverColor = oHoverColor
        m_HoverColor = gTranslateColor(oHoverColor)
        PropertyChanged "HoverColor"
    End If
End Property

Property Let ClickColor(ByVal oClickColor As OLE_COLOR)
    If (m_oClickColor <> oClickColor) Then
        m_oClickColor = oClickColor
        m_ClickColor = gTranslateColor(m_oClickColor)
        PropertyChanged "ClickColor"
    End If
End Property

Property Let SingleLine(ByVal bSingleLine As Boolean)
    m_SingleLine = bSingleLine
    PropertyChanged "SingleLine"
End Property

Property Let ShowFocus(ByVal bShowFocus As Boolean)
    m_ShowFocus = bShowFocus
    PropertyChanged "ShowFocus"
End Property

Property Let VAlign(ByVal iVAlign As HLCTLVerticalAlign)
    m_VAlign = iVAlign
    PropertyChanged "VAlign"
End Property

Property Let EllipsisStyle(ByVal iStyle As HLCTLEllipsis)
    m_EllipsisStyle = iStyle
    PropertyChanged "EllipsisStyle"
End Property

Property Let WordBreak(ByVal bWordBreak As Boolean)
    m_WordBreak = bWordBreak
    PropertyChanged "WordBreak"
End Property

Property Let Align(ByVal iAlign As HLCTLAlign)
    SetWindowLong m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE, GetWindowLong(m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE) And Not m_Align
    m_Align = iAlign
    SetWindowLong m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE, GetWindowLong(m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE) Or m_Align
    PropertyChanged "Align"
End Property

Property Let CursorType(ByVal iType As HLCTLCursorType)
    m_CursorType = iType
    PropertyChanged "CursorType"
End Property

Property Let BorderStyle(ByVal iStyle As HLCTLBorderStyle)
    m_BorderStyle = iStyle
    PropertyChanged "BorderStyle"
End Property

Property Let ClickStyle(ByVal iStyle As HLCTLClickStyle)
    m_ClickStyle = iStyle
    PropertyChanged "ClickStyle"
End Property

Property Let EnabledType(ByVal iType As HLCTLEnabledType)
    m_EnabledType = iType
    PropertyChanged "EnabledType"
End Property

Property Let HasHoverEffect(ByVal bTrue As Boolean)
    m_HasHoverEffect = bTrue
    PropertyChanged "HasHoverEffect"
End Property

Property Let DrawStyle(ByVal iDrawStyle As HLCTLStyle)
    m_drawStyle = iDrawStyle
    PropertyChanged "DrawStyle"
End Property

Private Property Let ISubclass_MsgResponse(ByVal RHS As SubcAsst.EMsgResponse)
End Property

Private Property Get ISubclass_MsgResponse() As SubcAsst.EMsgResponse
   Select Case CurrentMessage
      ISubclass_MsgResponse = emrConsume
   Case Else
      ISubclass_MsgResponse = emrPreprocess
   End Select
End Property

Private Function ISubclass_WindowProc(ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal iMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
Dim tR As RECT
Dim lW As Long, lH As Long
Dim iKeyCode As Integer, iShift As Integer, lhWNd As Long, bShift As Boolean
Dim iButton As Integer, x As Single, y As Single

   Select Case iMsg
      If (m_hBackBrush <> 0) Then
         ISubclass_WindowProc = m_hBackBrush
         ISubclass_WindowProc = CallOldWindowProc(hWnd, iMsg, wParam, lParam)
      End If

       ISubclass_WindowProc = plDrawControl(wParam, lParam)
      If (plNotificationEvent(iMsg, wParam, lParam) <> 0) Then
         ISubclass_WindowProc = 1
      End If
      ISubclass_WindowProc = m_hUFnt
   Case WM_SIZE
      lW = (lParam And &HFFFF&)
      lH = ((lParam \ &H10000) And &HFFFF&)
      pResize lW, lH
      iKeyCode = (wParam And &HFF)
      If iKeyCode <> 0 Then
         RaiseEvent KeyDown(iKeyCode, giGetShiftState())
      End If
      If (iKeyCode = 0) Then
         ' consume
         wParam = wParam And Not &HFF&
         wParam = wParam Or (iKeyCode And &HFF&)
         ISubclass_WindowProc = CallOldWindowProc(hWnd, iMsg, wParam, lParam)
      End If
   Case WM_KEYUP
      iKeyCode = (wParam And &HFF)
      If iKeyCode <> 0 Then
         RaiseEvent KeyUp(iKeyCode, giGetShiftState())
      End If
      If (iKeyCode = 0) Then
         ' consume
         wParam = wParam And Not &HFF&
         wParam = wParam Or (iKeyCode And &HFF&)
         ISubclass_WindowProc = CallOldWindowProc(hWnd, iMsg, wParam, lParam)
      End If
   Case WM_CHAR
      iKeyCode = (wParam And &HFF)
      RaiseEvent KeyPress(iKeyCode)
      If (iKeyCode = 0) Then
         ' consume:
         wParam = wParam And Not &HFF&
         wParam = wParam Or (iKeyCode And &HFF&)
         If (iKeyCode <> 0) Then
            ISubclass_WindowProc = CallOldWindowProc(hWnd, iMsg, wParam, lParam)
         End If
      End If
      iButton = (Abs(iMsg = WM_LBUTTONDOWN)) * vbLeftButton + (Abs(iMsg = WM_RBUTTONDOWN)) * vbRightButton + (Abs(iMsg = WM_MBUTTONDOWN)) * vbMiddleButton
      iShift = wParam
      If (lParam And &H8000&) = &H8000& Then
         x = -(&H8000& - (lParam And &H7FFF&))
         x = (lParam And &HFFFF&)
      End If
      If (lParam And &H80000000) = &H80000000 Then
         y = -(&H8000& - (lParam And &H7FFF0000) \ &H10000)
         y = (lParam \ &H10000)
      End If
      If m_CursorType = curHand And m_bIsWin98OrLater = True Then SetCursorIcon IDC_HAND, True
      RaiseEvent MouseDown(iButton, iShift, x, y)

      iButton = Abs(GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyLButton) <> 0) * vbLeftButton + Abs(GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyRButton) <> 0) * vbRightButton + Abs(GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyMButton) <> 0) * vbMiddleButton
      iShift = wParam
      If (lParam And &H8000&) = &H8000& Then
         x = -(&H8000& - (lParam And &H7FFF&))
         x = (lParam And &HFFFF&)
      End If
      If (lParam And &H80000000) = &H80000000 Then
         y = -(&H8000& - (lParam And &H7FFF0000) \ &H10000)
         y = (lParam \ &H10000)
      End If
      If m_CursorType = curHand And m_bIsWin98OrLater = True Then SetCursorIcon IDC_HAND, True
      If m_bIsHovering = False Then
         BeginTrackMouseEvent m_hWnd
         m_bIsHovering = True
         RaiseEvent MouseEnter
      End If
      RaiseEvent MouseMove(iButton, iShift, x, y)
      m_bIsHovering = False
      If m_CursorType = curHand And m_bIsWin98OrLater = True Then SetCursorIcon IDC_ARROW, True
      RaiseEvent MouseLeave
      iButton = (Abs(iMsg = WM_LBUTTONUP)) * vbLeftButton + (Abs(iMsg = WM_RBUTTONUP)) * vbRightButton + (Abs(iMsg = WM_MBUTTONUP)) * vbMiddleButton
      iShift = wParam
      If (lParam And &H8000&) = &H8000& Then
         x = -(&H8000& - (lParam And &H7FFF&))
         x = (lParam And &HFFFF&)
      End If
      If (lParam And &H80000000) = &H80000000 Then
         y = -(&H8000& - (lParam And &H7FFF0000) \ &H10000)
         y = (lParam \ &H10000)
      End If
      If m_CursorType = curHand And m_bIsWin98OrLater = True Then SetCursorIcon IDC_HAND, True
      If iButton = vbLeftButton Or (iButton = vbRightButton And IsMouseSwapped() = True) Then RaiseEvent Click
      RaiseEvent MouseUp(iButton, iShift, x, y)
      If m_CursorType = curHand And m_bIsWin98OrLater = True Then SetCursorIcon IDC_HAND, True
      ISubclass_WindowProc = CallOldWindowProc(hWnd, iMsg, wParam, lParam)
      If (m_hWnd = hWnd) Then
         Dim pOleObject                  As IOleObject
         Dim pOleInPlaceSite             As IOleInPlaceSite
         Dim pOleInPlaceFrame            As IOleInPlaceFrame
         Dim pOleInPlaceUIWindow         As IOleInPlaceUIWindow
         Dim pOleInPlaceActiveObject     As IOleInPlaceActiveObject
         Dim PosRect                     As RECT
         Dim ClipRect                    As RECT
         Dim FrameInfo                   As OLEINPLACEFRAMEINFO
         Dim grfModifiers                As Long
         Dim AcceleratorMsg              As MSG
         'Get in-place frame and make sure it is set to our in-between
         'implementation of IOleInPlaceActiveObject in order to catch
         'TranslateAccelerator calls
         Set pOleObject = Me
         Set pOleInPlaceSite = pOleObject.GetClientSite
         pOleInPlaceSite.GetWindowContext pOleInPlaceFrame, pOleInPlaceUIWindow, VarPtr(PosRect), VarPtr(ClipRect), VarPtr(FrameInfo)
         CopyMemory pOleInPlaceActiveObject, m_IPAOHookStruct.ThisPointer, 4
         pOleInPlaceFrame.SetActiveObject pOleInPlaceActiveObject, vbNullString
         If Not pOleInPlaceUIWindow Is Nothing Then
            pOleInPlaceUIWindow.SetActiveObject pOleInPlaceActiveObject, vbNullString
         End If
         CopyMemory pOleInPlaceActiveObject, 0&, 4
         ' The user control:
         SetFocusAPI m_hWnd
      End If
      If GetFocus() <> m_hWnd Then
         SetFocusAPI UserControl.hWnd
         ISubclass_WindowProc = MA_NOACTIVATE
         Exit Function
         ISubclass_WindowProc = CallOldWindowProc(hWnd, iMsg, wParam, lParam)
      End If
   End Select

End Function

Private Sub UserControl_GotFocus()
    m_bControlHasFocus = True
End Sub

Private Sub UserControl_Initialize()

   Dim IPAO As IOleInPlaceActiveObject

   With m_IPAOHookStruct
      Set IPAO = Me
      CopyMemory .IPAOReal, IPAO, 4
      CopyMemory .TBEx, Me, 4
      .lpVTable = IPAOVTable
      .ThisPointer = VarPtr(m_IPAOHookStruct)
   End With
End Sub

Private Sub UserControl_InitProperties()

    m_Align = aLeft
    BackColor = &H8000000F
    m_BorderStyle = bdrNone
    Caption = ""
    ClickColor = &H80000012
    m_ClickStyle = clkDefault
    m_CursorType = curDefault
    m_drawStyle = styControlDrawn
    m_EllipsisStyle = elpNone
    Enabled = True
    m_EnabledType = eblDefault
    ForeColor = &H80000012
    HasHoverEffect = False
    HoverColor = &H8000000D
    m_ShowFocus = True
    m_SingleLine = False
    m_VAlign = vaTop
    m_WordBreak = False
End Sub

Private Sub UserControl_LostFocus()
    m_bControlHasFocus = False
End Sub

Private Sub UserControl_Paint()
Dim hBr As Long
Dim tR As RECT
    hBr = CreateSolidBrush(gTranslateColor(UserControl.BackColor))
    GetClientRect UserControl.hWnd, tR
    FillRect UserControl.hDC, tR, hBr
    DeleteObject hBr
End Sub

Private Sub UserControl_ReadProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag)
   m_bFontNotCreated = True
   Dim sFnt As New StdFont
   sFnt.Name = "MS Sans Serif"
   sFnt.Size = 8
   Set Font = PropBag.ReadProperty("Font", sFnt)
   ' If we are in runmode, then start subclassing the user control:
   m_hWndparent = UserControl.hWnd
   If (UserControl.Ambient.UserMode) Then
      pSubClass False
   End If
   m_BorderStyle = PropBag.ReadProperty("BorderStyle", bdrNone)
   m_bIsWin98OrLater = IsWin98OrLater()
   m_Align = PropBag.ReadProperty("Align", aLeft)
   BackColor = PropBag.ReadProperty("BackColor", &H8000000F)
   Caption = PropBag.ReadProperty("Caption", "")
   ClickColor = PropBag.ReadProperty("ClickColor", &H80000012)
   m_ClickStyle = PropBag.ReadProperty("ClickStyle", clkDefault)
   m_CursorType = PropBag.ReadProperty("CursorType", curDefault)
   m_drawStyle = PropBag.ReadProperty("DrawStyle", styControlDrawn)
   m_EllipsisStyle = PropBag.ReadProperty("EllipsisStyle", elpNone)
   Enabled = PropBag.ReadProperty("Enabled", True)
   m_EnabledType = PropBag.ReadProperty("EnabledType", eblDefault)
   ForeColor = PropBag.ReadProperty("ForeColor", &H80000012)
   HasHoverEffect = PropBag.ReadProperty("HasHoverEffect", False)
   HoverColor = PropBag.ReadProperty("HoverColor", &H8000000D)
   m_ShowFocus = PropBag.ReadProperty("ShowFocus", True)
   m_SingleLine = PropBag.ReadProperty("SingleLine", False)
   m_VAlign = PropBag.ReadProperty("VAlign", vaTop)
   m_WordBreak = PropBag.ReadProperty("WordBreak", False)
   ' If we are in run time, then start subclassing:
   If (UserControl.Ambient.UserMode) Then
      pSubClass True
   End If
End Sub

Private Sub pAmbient()
   ' set relevant ambient properties:
    Set Font = UserControl.Ambient.Font
End Sub

Private Sub UserControl_Resize()
Dim lWidth As Long, lHeight As Long
   lWidth = UserControl.ScaleWidth \ Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
   lHeight = UserControl.ScaleHeight \ Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
   pResize lWidth, lHeight
End Sub

Private Sub UserControl_Terminate()

   With m_IPAOHookStruct
      CopyMemory .IPAOReal, 0&, 4
      CopyMemory .TBEx, 0&, 4
   End With

End Sub

Private Sub UserControl_WriteProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag)
   With PropBag
      .WriteProperty "Align", m_Align, aLeft
      .WriteProperty "BackColor", BackColor, &H8000000F
      .WriteProperty "BorderStyle", m_BorderStyle, bdrNone
      .WriteProperty "Caption", Caption, ""
      .WriteProperty "ClickColor", ClickColor, &H80000012
      .WriteProperty "ClickStyle", m_ClickStyle, clkDefault
      .WriteProperty "CursorType", m_CursorType, curDefault
      .WriteProperty "DrawStyle", m_drawStyle, styControlDrawn
      .WriteProperty "EllipsisStyle", m_EllipsisStyle, elpNone
      .WriteProperty "Enabled", Enabled, True
      .WriteProperty "EnabledType", m_EnabledType, eblDefault
      Dim sFnt As New StdFont
      sFnt.Name = "MS Sans Serif"
      sFnt.Size = 8
      .WriteProperty "Font", Font, sFnt
      .WriteProperty "ForeColor", ForeColor, &H80000012
      .WriteProperty "HasHoverEffect", m_HasHoverEffect, False
      .WriteProperty "HoverColor", HoverColor, &H8000000D
      .WriteProperty "ShowFocus", m_ShowFocus, True
      .WriteProperty "SingleLine", m_SingleLine, False
      .WriteProperty "VAlign", m_VAlign, vaTop
      .WriteProperty "WordBreak", m_WordBreak, False
   End With
End Sub

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