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x10 Java

Browsing frmMain.frm (20.76 KB)

Object = "{001000AF-1DEF-0010-10B6-DC5BA692C858}#1.0#0"; "ahscript.dll"
Object = "{F9043C88-F6F2-101A-A3C9-08002B2F49FB}#1.2#0"; "comdlg32.ocx"
Begin VB.Form frmMain 
   BorderStyle     =   1  'Fixed Single
   Caption         =   "x10 JAVA Setup"
   ClientHeight    =   4830
   ClientLeft      =   45
   ClientTop       =   435
   ClientWidth     =   4935
   BeginProperty Font 
      Name            =   "Tahoma"
      Size            =   8.25
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   Icon            =   "frmMain.frx":0000
   MaxButton       =   0   'False
   ScaleHeight     =   4830
   ScaleWidth      =   4935
   StartUpPosition =   2  'CenterScreen
   Begin MSComDlg.CommonDialog BrowseDialog 
      Left            =   0
      Top             =   0
      _ExtentX        =   847
      _ExtentY        =   847
      _Version        =   393216
      CancelError     =   -1  'True
      DialogTitle     =   "Browse for Program"
      Filter          =   "Program Files (*.exe;*.com)|*.exe;*.com"
   Begin VB.CommandButton cmdBrowse 
      Caption         =   "..."
      Height          =   255
      Index           =   4
      Left            =   4200
      Style           =   1  'Graphical
      TabIndex        =   19
      ToolTipText     =   "Browse..."
      Top             =   3600
      Width           =   375
   Begin VB.TextBox txtPath 
      Height          =   315
      Index           =   4
      Left            =   1320
      TabIndex        =   18
      Tag             =   "WEB Hotkey"
      Top             =   3600
      Width           =   2775
   Begin VB.CommandButton cmdBrowse 
      Caption         =   "..."
      Height          =   255
      Index           =   3
      Left            =   4200
      Style           =   1  'Graphical
      TabIndex        =   16
      ToolTipText     =   "Browse..."
      Top             =   3240
      Width           =   375
   Begin VB.TextBox txtPath 
      Height          =   315
      Index           =   3
      Left            =   1320
      TabIndex        =   15
      Tag             =   "MUSIC Hotkey"
      Top             =   3240
      Width           =   2775
   Begin VB.CommandButton cmdBrowse 
      Caption         =   "..."
      Height          =   255
      Index           =   2
      Left            =   4200
      Style           =   1  'Graphical
      TabIndex        =   13
      ToolTipText     =   "Browse..."
      Top             =   2880
      Width           =   375
   Begin VB.TextBox txtPath 
      Height          =   315
      Index           =   2
      Left            =   1320
      TabIndex        =   12
      Tag             =   "PHOTO Hotkey"
      Top             =   2880
      Width           =   2775
   Begin VB.Frame frameHotkeys 
      Caption         =   "Hotkeys"
      Height          =   2295
      Left            =   120
      TabIndex        =   4
      Top             =   1800
      Width           =   4695
      Begin VB.CommandButton cmdBrowse 
         Caption         =   "..."
         Height          =   255
         Index           =   1
         Left            =   4080
         Style           =   1  'Graphical
         TabIndex        =   10
         ToolTipText     =   "Browse..."
         Top             =   720
         Width           =   375
      Begin VB.TextBox txtPath 
         Height          =   315
         Index           =   1
         Left            =   1200
         TabIndex        =   9
         Tag             =   "DVD Hotkey"
         Top             =   720
         Width           =   2775
      Begin VB.CommandButton cmdBrowse 
         Caption         =   "..."
         Height          =   255
         Index           =   0
         Left            =   4080
         Style           =   1  'Graphical
         TabIndex        =   7
         ToolTipText     =   "Browse..."
         Top             =   360
         Width           =   375
      Begin VB.TextBox txtPath 
         Height          =   315
         Index           =   0
         Left            =   1200
         TabIndex        =   6
         Tag             =   "DVR Hotkey"
         Top             =   360
         Width           =   2775
      Begin VB.Label lblWEB 
         Alignment       =   1  'Right Justify
         Caption         =   "W&EB:"
         Height          =   255
         Left            =   240
         TabIndex        =   17
         Top             =   1840
         Width           =   735
      Begin VB.Label lblMUSIC 
         Alignment       =   1  'Right Justify
         Caption         =   "M&USIC:"
         Height          =   255
         Left            =   240
         TabIndex        =   14
         Top             =   1480
         Width           =   735
      Begin VB.Label lblPHOTO 
         Alignment       =   1  'Right Justify
         Caption         =   "&PHOTO:"
         Height          =   255
         Left            =   240
         TabIndex        =   11
         Top             =   1120
         Width           =   735
      Begin VB.Label lblDVD 
         Alignment       =   1  'Right Justify
         Caption         =   "D&VD/VCD:"
         Height          =   255
         Left            =   240
         TabIndex        =   8
         Top             =   760
         Width           =   735
      Begin VB.Label lblDVR 
         Alignment       =   1  'Right Justify
         Caption         =   "&DVR:"
         Height          =   255
         Left            =   240
         TabIndex        =   5
         Top             =   400
         Width           =   735
   Begin VB.CommandButton cmdCancel 
      Caption         =   "&Close"
      Height          =   375
      Left            =   3480
      TabIndex        =   21
      Top             =   4320
      Width           =   1335
   Begin VB.CommandButton cmkOK 
      Caption         =   "&OK"
      Default         =   -1  'True
      Height          =   375
      Left            =   2040
      TabIndex        =   20
      Top             =   4320
      Width           =   1335
   Begin VB.Frame frameGeneral 
      Caption         =   "General"
      Height          =   1575
      Left            =   120
      TabIndex        =   0
      Top             =   120
      Width           =   4695
      Begin VB.CheckBox chkStartup 
         Caption         =   "&Run on Startup"
         Height          =   255
         Left            =   240
         TabIndex        =   3
         Top             =   1080
         Value           =   1  'Checked
         Width           =   4215
      Begin VB.CheckBox chkWMP 
         Caption         =   "Enable Windows &Media Player Support"
         Height          =   255
         Left            =   240
         TabIndex        =   2
         Top             =   720
         Width           =   4215
      Begin VB.CheckBox chkWinamp 
         Caption         =   "Enable &Winamp Support"
         Height          =   255
         Left            =   240
         TabIndex        =   1
         Top             =   360
         Width           =   4215
   Begin ActiveHomeScriptLibCtl.ActiveHome objX10 
      Height          =   375
      Left            =   0
      OleObjectBlob   =   "frmMain.frx":0442
      TabIndex        =   22
      Top             =   0
      Visible         =   0   'False
      Width           =   1215
   Begin VB.Menu SystrayMenu 
      Caption         =   "Systray Menu"
      Visible         =   0   'False
      Begin VB.Menu OpenMenu 
         Caption         =   "&Show"
      Begin VB.Menu Blank1 
         Caption         =   "-"
      Begin VB.Menu CloseMenu 
         Caption         =   "&Close"
Attribute VB_Name = "frmMain"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit

Private Const PRESET_BRIGHT = 5, PRESET_DIM = 5

Private Const RegAppRoot = "Software\x10java\"

Private bVolumeInitialized As Boolean

Private Const WM_MOUSEMOVE = &H200
Private Const WM_LBUTTONDOWN = &H201
Private Const WM_LBUTTONUP = &H202
Private Const WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK = &H203
Private Const WM_RBUTTONDOWN = &H204
Private Const WM_RBUTTONUP = &H205
Private Const WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK = &H206
Private Const WM_MBUTTONDOWN = &H207
Private Const WM_MBUTTONUP = &H208
Private Const WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK = &H209
Public SysTray As New SystrayIcon

Private Sub CloseMenu_Click()
    Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub cmdBrowse_Click(Index As Integer)

    On Error GoTo CancelErr
    BrowseDialog.FileName = txtPath(Index).Text
    With txtPath(Index)
        .Text = BrowseDialog.FileName
        .SelStart = 0
        .SelLength = Len(.Text)
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
    Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub cmkOK_Click()

    Dim i As Integer
    SaveRegDWORD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RegAppRoot, "Winamp Support", CLng(chkWinamp.Value)
    SaveRegDWORD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RegAppRoot, "WMP Support", CLng(chkWMP.Value)
    For i = txtPath.LBound To txtPath.UBound
        SaveRegString HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RegAppRoot, txtPath(i).Tag, txtPath(i).Text
    Next i
    If chkStartup.Value = 1 Then
        SaveRegString HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\", "x10java", """" + LCase(App.Path + IIf(Right(App.Path, 1) <> "\", "\", "")) + "x10java.exe"" -startup"
        DeleteValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\", "x10java"
    End If
    WindowState = vbMinimized
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

    On Error Resume Next
    Dim lRegData As Long
    Dim sRegData As String
    Dim bRegErr As Boolean
    Dim i As Integer
    lRegData = GetRegDWORD(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RegAppRoot, "Winamp Support", bRegErr)
    If (lRegData <> 0 And lRegData <> 1) Or bRegErr Then lRegData = 1
    chkWinamp.Value = lRegData
    lRegData = GetRegDWORD(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RegAppRoot, "WMP Support", bRegErr)
    If (lRegData <> 0 And lRegData <> 1) Or bRegErr Then lRegData = 1
    chkWMP.Value = lRegData
    For i = txtPath.LBound To txtPath.UBound
        CButton cmdBrowse(i)
        sRegData = GetRegString(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RegAppRoot, txtPath(i).Tag, bRegErr)
        If bRegErr Then sRegData = ""
        txtPath(i).Text = sRegData
    Next i
    bVolumeInitialized = InitGetVolume()
    SysTray.PopUpMessage = "x10java v" & App.Major & "." & App.Minor & _
        IIf(App.Revision = 0, "", "." & App.Revision)
    SysTray.Initialize hWnd, Icon, SysTray.PopUpMessage
    If LCase(Command) = "-startup" Then WindowState = vbMinimized
End Sub

Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

    Dim msgCallBackMessage As Long
    msgCallBackMessage = X / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
    Select Case msgCallBackMessage
        Case WM_MOUSEMOVE
            SysTray.TipText = SysTray.PopUpMessage
            If OpenMenu.Enabled = False Then Exit Sub
            AlwaysOnTop Me, True
            Visible = True
            AlwaysOnTop Me, False
            OpenMenu.Caption = "&Hide"
            If OpenMenu.Enabled = False Then Exit Sub
            If Visible = False Then OpenMenu.Caption = "&Show"
            If Visible = True Then OpenMenu.Caption = "&Hide"
            PopupMenu SystrayMenu, , , , OpenMenu
    End Select
End Sub

Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)

    If UnloadMode = 0 Or UnloadMode = 3 Then
        WindowState = vbMinimized
        Cancel = True
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Resize()

    If WindowState = vbMinimized Then
        Visible = False
        WindowState = 0
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
End Sub

Private Sub objX10_RecvAction(ByVal bszAction As Variant, ByVal bszParm1 As Variant, _
    ByVal bszParm2 As Variant, ByVal bszParm3 As Variant, ByVal bszParm4 As Variant, _
    ByVal bszParm5 As Variant, ByVal bszReserved As Variant)
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim VolValue As Long
    If bszParm1 <> vbNullString And bszParm2 <> vbNullString Then
    ' Determine if a radio frequency command has been received based on bszAction
        If bszAction = "recvrf" Then
            ' Check for dim or bright values
            ' set appropriate values: Be careful. The Parameters are case sensitive.
            If bszParm2 = "Bright" Then
                bszParm3 = PRESET_BRIGHT
            ElseIf bszParm2 = "Dim" Then
                bszParm3 = PRESET_DIM
            End If
            ' Perform an action based on the info from the RecvAction event
            ' The CM15A will not automatically do anything after the RecvAction has been fired.
            ' The programmer has the flexibility to tell the CM15A what to do, however, based on the
            ' on the information from the various parameters. For example, suppose the
            ' CM15A received info that the motion sensor @B5 has been triggered. The motion
            ' sensor is located in the room with your safe. Program code to automatically place a call
            ' to your local police station and your cell phone. You could send a power line code to
            ' activate your automatic dialer or to turn on your loud noise siren to scare the intruder away.
            ' Or possibly activate your X10 camera to record the intrusion on tape to use as evidence in
            ' a criminal trial.  The following code just tells the CM15A to send a power
            ' line code to the address indicated by the device that generated the code: bzParm1 is the
            ' address requesting action for an on, off, dim, bright command. bszParm2 contains the info
            ' for which type of command it's requesting (on, off, dim, bright), and bszParm3 is additional data or data
            ' for brightness or dim levels.
            ' **********************************************************************************
            objX10.SendAction "sendplc", bszParm1 & " " & bszParm2 & " " & bszParm3
            On Error GoTo 0
            If CInt(bszParm3) >= 0 Then

                Select Case bszParm2
                    Case "Play"
                        If CBool(GetRegDWORD(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RegAppRoot, "Winamp Support")) Then
                            If WAPlaybackStatus = 0 Then
                            ElseIf WAPlaybackStatus = 1 Then
                            ElseIf WAPlaybackStatus = 2 Then
                            ElseIf WAPlaybackStatus = 3 Then
                            End If
                        End If
                        If CBool(GetRegDWORD(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RegAppRoot, "WMP Support")) Then WMPPlayPause
                    Case "Pause"
                        If CBool(GetRegDWORD(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RegAppRoot, "Winamp Support")) Then WATrackPause
                    Case "Forward"
                        If CBool(GetRegDWORD(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RegAppRoot, "Winamp Support")) Then WATrackFForward
                    Case "Rewind"
                        If CBool(GetRegDWORD(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RegAppRoot, "Winamp Support")) Then WATrackFRewind
                    Case "Stop"
                        If CBool(GetRegDWORD(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RegAppRoot, "Winamp Support")) Then WATrackStop
                        If CBool(GetRegDWORD(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RegAppRoot, "WMP Support")) Then WMPStop
                    Case "F" ' Fast forward
                        If CBool(GetRegDWORD(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RegAppRoot, "Winamp Support")) Then WATrackNext
                        If CBool(GetRegDWORD(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RegAppRoot, "WMP Support")) Then WMPNext
                    Case "E" ' Fast rewind
                        If CBool(GetRegDWORD(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RegAppRoot, "Winamp Support")) Then WATrackPrev
                        If CBool(GetRegDWORD(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RegAppRoot, "WMP Support")) Then WMPPrev
                    Case "VolumeDown" ' Really volume up
                        VolValue = Int((GetVolumeValue(SetVolHmixer, SetVolCtrl) * 100) / 65535) + 5
                        If VolValue > 100 Then VolValue = 100
                        SetVolumeControl SetVolHmixer, SetVolCtrl, VolValue * 65535 / 100
                    Case "VolumeUp" ' Really volume down
                        VolValue = Int((GetVolumeValue(SetVolHmixer, SetVolCtrl) * 100) / 65535) - 5
                        If VolValue < 0 Then VolValue = 0
                        SetVolumeControl SetVolHmixer, SetVolCtrl, VolValue * 65535 / 100
                    Case "A" ' Mute
                        If GetVolumeValue(SetVolHmixer, SetMuteCtrl) Then
                            SetVolumeControl SetVolHmixer, SetMuteCtrl, 0
                            VolValue = Int((GetVolumeValue(SetVolHmixer, SetVolCtrl) * 100) / 65535)
                            If VolValue < 0 Then VolValue = 0
                            If VolValue > 100 Then VolValue = 100
                            SetVolumeControl SetVolHmixer, SetMuteCtrl, 1
                        End If
                    Case "Up" ' page up
                        SendKeys "{PGUP}"
                    Case "Down" ' page down
                        SendKeys "{PGDN}"

                    Case "Left" ' back
                        SendKeys "{BACKSPACE}"
                    Case "Right" ' forward
                        SendKeys "+{BACKSPACE}"

                    Case "TV" ' DVR
                        On Error Resume Next
                        If txtPath(0).Text <> "" Then _
                            Shell txtPath(0).Text, vbNormalFocus

                    Case "DVD" ' DVD
                        On Error Resume Next
                        If txtPath(1).Text <> "" Then _
                            Shell txtPath(1).Text, vbNormalFocus

                    Case "Web" ' PHOTO
                        On Error Resume Next
                        If txtPath(2).Text <> "" Then _
                            Shell txtPath(2).Text, vbNormalFocus

                    Case "Book" ' MUSIC
                        On Error Resume Next
                        If txtPath(3).Text <> "" Then _
                            Shell txtPath(3).Text, vbNormalFocus

                    Case "Hand" ' WEB
                        On Error Resume Next
                        If txtPath(4).Text <> "" Then _
                            Shell txtPath(4).Text, vbNormalFocus

                End Select
            End If
        End If
    End If
    'Debug.Print bszAction, bszParm1, bszParm2, bszParm3, bszParm4, bszParm5, bszReserved
End Sub

Private Sub OpenMenu_Click()

    If Not Visible Then AlwaysOnTop Me, True
    Visible = Not Visible
    AlwaysOnTop Me, False
End Sub

Private Sub txtPath_Change(Index As Integer)
    txtPath(Index).ToolTipText = txtPath(Index).Text
End Sub

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